You Still Need To Protect Yourself From The Sun Even After Summer Is Over

During the summer, you likely use sunglasses, sunscreen, a sun hat, and other clothing or tools to help protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays. But don't let the end of summer or fall temperatures give you a false sense of security. The sun is still up in the sky and is still shining down those UV rays. If you plan on going outdoors in the fall for a long hike or maybe a trip to a local fall festival, make sure you still take steps to protect your skin. You might not need to lather on sunscreen as much in the fall, but you can still wear the right clothing to give yourself some protection. Here's how a men's hooded sun shirt might benefit you during your outdoor fall adventures.

A Hooded Shirt Is Perfect for Fall Temperatures or a Windy Autumn Day

A sun shirt typically offers long sleeves and is thicker than a normal t-shirt but not as thick as a sweater or sweatshirt. It's just the right amount of material for a fall day where there is a drop in temperatures and a light breeze but it's not yet frigid cold. The hood on your new shirt will also provide some additional comfort and protection from the fall breeze. You could also opt to wear this kind of shirt as opposed to wearing a baseball cap to shield your head from the sun.

Sun Shirts Often Feature Dry Wicking Material, Allowing You To Stay Outdoors in Comfort

The exact materials used to craft a sun shirt will vary by manufacturer, but in general, sun shirts are designed to help wick away moisture so you can stay comfortable and dry if you are going to be active outside in the fall. There's nothing worse than feeling sweaty and sticky in the fall as the dip in temperatures can make all of that sweat on your skin feel even more icky or uncomfortable and possibly give you a bit of a chill. With the right sun shirt, you'll get UV protection across your torso and arms while also staying dry as you play outside with the kids or hike on the local trail.

A Sun Shirt With a Hood Will Give You Peace of Mind on a Sunny Fall Day

With the right sun shirt that's just the right thickness and material, you can head out to the local pumpkin patch, throw the football around with family and friends, or just enjoy the great outdoors without having a second thought about the weather or your wardrobe.
